Friday, May 29, 2020

Unemployment and Underemployment

Unemployment and Underemployment LinkedIn for Job Seekers for $49.95 $25. Check out all the specials here. An article in Yahoo News is titled Nearly 20 percent of U.S. workers underemployed. Combine that with about 10% unemployment in the U.S. and you have about 30% of our workforce that cannot generate any, or enough, income. Id guess (with NOTHING to back this up, just a guess) there is another 10% who have moved from the govts misleading stat of unemployed to whatever they move to after they run out of unemployment insurance, and we have about 40% of the population that wants to pay their own way but cant. I dont know if this includes long-term, multi-generation welfare families but I wont even add them in since 40% is a pretty bleak number. That is 4 out of 10 people. Whats worse, it doesnt include those who are UNHAPPILY EMPLOYED. That probably covers another 50%. Dont ask me why people arent happy at work.  Maybe they dont make enough. Maybe they dont get the recognition they want.  Maybe they think they are destined for greater things.  Maybe they feel trapped.  Maybe their boss sucks, or their company isnt green enough. Maybe they wouldnt be happy, no matter what. But put that 50% on top of the other 40% and you have 90% of our workforce that is misused (is that a good way to put it?). Whats the answer to unemployment and underemployment? Play the numbers game send more resumes etc? Find work out of state (I hear Detroit isnt the best place to look for a job)? Wait for the economy to correct itself so there are more openings? Whats the answer to unhappily employed? Look for another job? Start your own business? Quit and go live on a mountain? suck it up, do your job, and find fullfillment outside of the office? The answer will be different for different people, and their circumstances I dont know what your answer was, but Im working my tail off on my answer, which you can read about in my Multiple Streams of Income posts. Whatever the answer is, I guarantee it doesnt include you asking to meet with your boss or HR to see how secure your job is.  I can tell you how secure it is. I believe is a revolutionary way for a professional to manage his/her career, in large part, the relationships we develop and nurture over time.  Its more than a job search tool, its your personal relationship manager. Get a lifetime free (with optional upgrades) account now. Unemployment and Underemployment LinkedIn for Job Seekers for $49.95 $25. Check out all the specials here. An article in Yahoo News is titled Nearly 20 percent of U.S. workers underemployed. Combine that with about 10% unemployment in the U.S. and you have about 30% of our workforce that cannot generate any, or enough, income. Id guess (with NOTHING to back this up, just a guess) there is another 10% who have moved from the govts misleading stat of unemployed to whatever they move to after they run out of unemployment insurance, and we have about 40% of the population that wants to pay their own way but cant. I dont know if this includes long-term, multi-generation welfare families but I wont even add them in since 40% is a pretty bleak number. That is 4 out of 10 people. Whats worse, it doesnt include those who are UNHAPPILY EMPLOYED. That probably covers another 50%. Dont ask me why people arent happy at work.  Maybe they dont make enough. Maybe they dont get the recognition they want.  Maybe they think they are destined for greater things.  Maybe they feel trapped.  Maybe their boss sucks, or their company isnt green enough. Maybe they wouldnt be happy, no matter what. But put that 50% on top of the other 40% and you have 90% of our workforce that is misused (is that a good way to put it?). Whats the answer to unemployment and underemployment? Play the numbers game send more resumes etc? Find work out of state (I hear Detroit isnt the best place to look for a job)? Wait for the economy to correct itself so there are more openings? Whats the answer to unhappily employed? Look for another job? Start your own business? Quit and go live on a mountain? suck it up, do your job, and find fullfillment outside of the office? The answer will be different for different people, and their circumstances I dont know what your answer was, but Im working my tail off on my answer, which you can read about in my Multiple Streams of Income posts. Whatever the answer is, I guarantee it doesnt include you asking to meet with your boss or HR to see how secure your job is.  I can tell you how secure it is. I believe is a revolutionary way for a professional to manage his/her career, in large part, the relationships we develop and nurture over time.  Its more than a job search tool, its your personal relationship manager. Get a lifetime free (with optional upgrades) account now. Unemployment and Underemployment LinkedIn for Job Seekers for $49.95 $25. Check out all the specials here. An article in Yahoo News is titled Nearly 20 percent of U.S. workers underemployed. Combine that with about 10% unemployment in the U.S. and you have about 30% of our workforce that cannot generate any, or enough, income. Id guess (with NOTHING to back this up, just a guess) there is another 10% who have moved from the govts misleading stat of unemployed to whatever they move to after they run out of unemployment insurance, and we have about 40% of the population that wants to pay their own way but cant. I dont know if this includes long-term, multi-generation welfare families but I wont even add them in since 40% is a pretty bleak number. That is 4 out of 10 people. Whats worse, it doesnt include those who are UNHAPPILY EMPLOYED. That probably covers another 50%. Dont ask me why people arent happy at work.  Maybe they dont make enough. Maybe they dont get the recognition they want.  Maybe they think they are destined for greater things.  Maybe they feel trapped.  Maybe their boss sucks, or their company isnt green enough. Maybe they wouldnt be happy, no matter what. But put that 50% on top of the other 40% and you have 90% of our workforce that is misused (is that a good way to put it?). Whats the answer to unemployment and underemployment? Play the numbers game send more resumes etc? Find work out of state (I hear Detroit isnt the best place to look for a job)? Wait for the economy to correct itself so there are more openings? Whats the answer to unhappily employed? Look for another job? Start your own business? Quit and go live on a mountain? suck it up, do your job, and find fullfillment outside of the office? The answer will be different for different people, and their circumstances I dont know what your answer was, but Im working my tail off on my answer, which you can read about in my Multiple Streams of Income posts. Whatever the answer is, I guarantee it doesnt include you asking to meet with your boss or HR to see how secure your job is.  I can tell you how secure it is. I believe is a revolutionary way for a professional to manage his/her career, in large part, the relationships we develop and nurture over time.  Its more than a job search tool, its your personal relationship manager. Get a lifetime free (with optional upgrades) account now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Digital Marketing Tips for Finding and Keeping Great Employees

Digital Marketing Tips for Finding and Keeping Great Employees They say that good help is hard to find. They’re only half right. Once found, it is also hard to keep. It can be even harder if you are using outdated methods for talent acquisition and retention. With the proper use of digital marketing, you have the opportunity to get your message out to more people in more places more of the time. You must be mindful of the fact that every marketing message fills two roles: First, it targets potential customers. Second, it targets potential employees. Every external message serves both purposes of sales and hiring. Likewise, every internal message serves the dual purposes of training and retention. Whether externally or internally directed, all messaging is messaging to employees, and greatly effects how well you do at attracting and keeping good talent. Here are some tips that will help be more effective at attracting and keeping good help via digital marketing: Create a Better Brand By using a full-service digital marketing company such as  Power Digital online marketing agency, you can become more visible, expand your reach, and increase the value of your brand. It goes without saying that these are the sort of things you want to do if you hope to increase sales, move upmarket, and grow your business. Though somewhat less obvious, it should nonetheless be clear that these efforts will also make your brand more attractive to potential employees. A downmarket brand will attract downmarket employees. If you want to filter some of that out and attract the kind of people who help fulfill your company’s inspirational vision, then take your branding upmarket in keeping with the customers and employees you hope to attract. Make a Better On-boarding Plan Try using the kinds of digital media and gamification that Millennials are used to during the on-boarding process. A good on-boarding process is one of the key differences in retaining great talent, and squandering a resource that never quite lives up to its fullest potential. Even the best talent needs time for orientation. It is said that it takes an average of eight months to bring a new hire fully up to speed. That is a long gestation period. A few things need to happen at the beginning of the on-boarding process: New hire enthusiasm needs to be fed like a fire. Technical skills of the job need to be thoroughly taught. Employer expectations need to be clear and consistent. New hires need to feel like they made the right choice. Do not give them a chance to have a job-seekers version of buyers remorse. Some companies have such complicated systems, there are only a small handful of people who know how to do certain tasks on the computer. The new hire can never be fully confident if they never feel fully competent. And nothing will make a new hire want to leave faster than mixed messages from the boss. Most companies already use some type of digital resources in this process. But many of those resources are out of date. Be sure to keep the training resources updated to reflect current, not past practices and ideas. Make a More Diverse Workplace Uber ignored its diversity problem. Now it’s paying for it in spades. When diversity is ignored, demographically-based power enclaves are formed. When a company becomes a haven for young, middle-class, white males, for example, people not meeting that description can easily feel like second-class citizens in that company. Some companies may be more diverse than they first appear. But all of their digital media suggests demographic homogeneity. Digital media is a great tool for changing that perception. Make images of company leadership, customers, and advertising reflect the diversity you have. Media can also be used to show diversity as an company priority. Digital media is just as effective for attracting and retaining employees as for customers. Use it to make a better brand, make a better on-boarding process, and to make a more diverse workplace. . Image credits. Main.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Making a Commitment To Change - Classy Career Girl

Making a Commitment To Change “When we can no longer change the situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” Viktor Frankl (Note: Written February 5th) This is me right now. The house is a disaster. My bathroom has a million things on the floor. I just watched Tidying with Marie Kondo and I go the tidy bug. I am Marie Kondo-ing. Everything in my house. I need it drastically because I never really moved into this house. I was pregnant a year ago and when we moved it I was going to throw up at any moment. Boxes were left unpacked and breast pads were pushed into every single drawer along with nipple cream and toothpaste. We Are Moving in a Week. So for Some Reason, I am Tidying. We are upset. We have to move. The owner is selling our house. I have a baby. I don’t want to move. This was the dream house. The house we could finally afford to rent. Our first house. And when I envisioned my dream with my fertility coach after three miscarriages, she challenged me to pick out a picture and focus where I wanted my future family to be. When my second daughter came home from the hospital and I sat on our brand new couch we just got from the furniture store I realized, this is it. I am perfectly happy right now. This is my dream. This is where I wanted to be. This is what I envisioned on my worst day with my coach. This is it. This is what I worked so dang hard for. My business is going great. I’m living in the house I always dreamed of. My daughter is thriving at her school that we can walk to. My 3-month-old daughter finally got breastfeeding after 12 weeks of pumping after her tongue tie fiasco. Life is good. Not Meant to Be Until that darn 60-day notice to vacate was taped to our door on January 21st. Bomb exploded. Roof literally torn off the house. Where we work. Where my daughter slept her first nights out of the hospital. So many memories. Amazing neighbors. The house I dreamt of. Not meant to be. Not this one. There is something better. God is whispering to me. I know this, but dang! Why! Two moves in a year is just unreal. Especially while pregnant and then again with a baby. Not fair, God! But I know he is whispering to me…..But I got you and there is nothing you can’t handle.” I get it. There’s nothing I can do. I’m not in control. If the owner wants to sell, that is totally his right to do so. (But I do hope it sits empty for months and he loses thousands because the situation has been a nightmare for the past year….) Change Happens for a Reason Tonight I realized something. As my husband and I had a day of bad-mouthing our stupid landlords and the unreal nightmare we have been put in, I realized there is a reason for this. God is using this situation. God is trying to tell me something. I know I’m not in control but what I’ve been telling myself for the last four months is that I am ready for my next level. I am ready to commit to being all that I am capable of becoming. I literally have been reading an affirmation from The Miracle Morning every single night for the last four months. (Yes I do my miracle morning at night, not in the morning. It works for me!) The affirmation says “I am just as worthy, deserving, and capable of achieving extraordinary levels of success and all of my goals as any other person on this earth, and that the only thing that separates me from those at the top is my level of commitment. So, from this moment on, I am 100% committed to becoming the person I need to be through daily personal development and living with daily discipline to easily attract, create, and sustain the levels of success that I truly want and deserve- in my life. Holy crap! I attracted this move! Dang it! Why does personal development and growth have to hurt so bad! I did though. I totally can see it. This experience is helping me become more of the person that I need to be. For four months I have been telling myself that I am 100% committed to becoming the person I need to be. Committing to The Future The tidying and organizing that I have been doing for five days straight are me committing to preparing for our new place that is going to help me reach those levels of success. I am literally discarding and giving away old things in my life that don’t match my commitment. I am ready to take better care of my belongings and my future house. I didn’t take care of this house. I treated it like crap. I haven’t been taking care of my clothes and my belongings because my brain has been in a little new mama fog. I haven’t taught my 4-year-old daughter to take care of her clothes and belongings. All of the tidying we’ve done last week is not a roadblock to my goals but it is actually HELPING me reach my 2019 goals. My goal was to spend a weekly date with my daughter. I had high hopes of going to museums and the zoos on our date or just out for a meal. But this week our quality time was sitting on the floor teaching her how to fold laundry. Seriously. Not my idea of a fun date, but you’ll never guess the quality conversations we had during that and how excited she is to be able to fold her laundry and to find her clothes and to see her underwear organized into different Disney characters like she wants it to be. The joy in her face could not be replaced by taking her to the zoo. I am setting her up with a life skill that she never would have gotten if I had not had the life change of needing to discard, and re-start fresh to get ready for the move next week. I’m growing and others are growing because of me. My daughter is growing. My students and members are growing. My husband is growing. Do you have any idea the impact on your life when you are 100% committed to reaching your goals, even when your life is crumbling….. My success is coming and it’s for God’s purpose and it’s going to be because of this experience. I couldn’t reach that success with all the toys and stuffed animals and my old clothes and things that reminded me of hard times weighing me down. It’s time for a fresh start. Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to this purpose for them.” So as much as I hate spending eight hours discarding and re-organizing and packing for the big move….this time it’s going to be different. I am moving into a beautiful new house and ready to take care of this house. We are so in love with the neighborhood, and it is actually a better house than we ever could have imagined. I’m ready to treat it with respect and to commit to making my next level of success happen in that house. It’s where I will continue to write my book and to grow our business and membership sites. It’s where I will impact more women from my little office around the world. I can’t wait to move in and make it happen. Other goals I wrote down at the beginning of the year were to go to church three times per week. We live far away from the church right now, and it’s a struggle. Now that we are being forced to move….guess where we are moving back to? Blocks away from our old church. Way easier to reach that goal and so much more exciting to get back into being in community with people loving God and doing life together. I am excited and I know that is a big reason why this move is happening. I’m moving blocks away from the gym and another goal is to work out five times per week. I’m getting organized and ready removing all the deadweight so I can be 100% myself and productive and get after my dreams this year. Taking Control Now after looking at rentals and not being in control of our living situation, we never want this to happen again. My husband had to move a lot as a kid and I already see the negative effects of moving over and over on my daughter. She is going to miss her walls and her old room. We hear it over and over and there are tears! So our vision and dream has shifted. We aren’t just comfortable here. We want to be in control. We want freedom. Just like I wanted to be my own boss. I want to be in charge and in control of my living situation. I want to own the home that we live in. I want my family and children to feel safe and secure and not worry about moving year after year or deal with a dishonest landlord. So I got it. This move is helping me dream even bigger and grow even bigger. Oh, my word. This year is going to be a big one. Stay tuned! You Might Also Enjoy: 7 Ways I am Playing Bigger in 2019

Monday, May 18, 2020

Unemployed 7 Resolutions You Need to Make for 2012 - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Unemployed 7 ‘Resolutions’ You Need to Make for 2012 - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Part II of II Editor’s Note: In Part I of this two-part series, international best-selling job hunting book author and professional “headhunter” Skip Freeman suggested the 7 New Year’s “resolutions” employed people should seriously consider making to land their “dream job” in the new year. In Part II, Skip offers 7 highly recommended New Year’s “resolutions” specifically designed for those who currently are unemployed and who also want to land their “dream job” in the new year. If you entered the New Year without a job I know how you’re feeling: Discouraged, depressed, dispirited. And that’s entirely understandable given present circumstances because this year’s job market, while expected to improve at least somewhat, still is going to be mighty challenging. Why? Because not only will the unemployed be vying for the finite number of available jobs, it is estimated that anywhere from 45% to 60% of the currently employed, who say they are ready to make a career move, will also be vying for these same jobs. That’s the bad news. The good news is that, despite the constant barrage of negative job news emanating from the media, which tend to focus nearly exclusively on the number of new jobs created in the economy, there still are jobs availableâ€"for those who can brand themselves as exceptional candidates! As a matter of fact, four million jobs were filled each and every month in 2011, with approximately three million jobs remaining unfilled at year’s end. That means that, each and every month in 2011, there were seven million opportunities to land a new job! This trend is expected to continue into the New Year. Now, in fairness, not every available job in 2011 could be filled by everyone who was unemployed. Likewise, not every available job this year will be able to be filled by every job seeker, either. Nonetheless, there still wasâ€"and is expected to be in 2012â€"enough variety in the available job mix to give many job seekers, both employed and unemployed, at least a fighting chance at a new job. In Part I of this two-part series, I offered seven strongly recommended New Year’s “resolutions” for the currently employed who want to explore new career opportunities in 2012. And, of course, all seven of those resolutions apply to the unemployed as well. In this, the second part of the series, I offer an additional seven highly recommended resolutions designed especially for the unemployed job seeker. So, if are unemployed and would like to have a realistic chance at landing one of the millions of jobs expected to be filled each and every month this year, here is what I recommend (with applicable “hot” links to appropriate references): 1.    Apply to posted positions both online and offline. It is important to keep in mind that, depending upon the level of position, only 50-70% of all positions are ever posted. As an unemployed person you definitely want to use the job boards (and we recommend an job aggregator such as or and apply to the position online. Recognize, however, that, more often than not, you will go into the proverbial black hole. However, people still do get hired this way. But don’t stop there! In parallel, also apply offline. Use the “headhunter” hiring secrets laid out both in “‘Headhunter’ Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever!” and in my previous blogs ( to learn how to identify hiring managers, craft your direct mail message and go after the position directly. 2.    Trash your current résumé and create a NEW one . . .   Unless you have key words in it that match the job you are applying for. Unless you have quantifiable accomplishments and achievements documented in it. If you list nothing but duties and responsibilities. If you have used unusual fonts, colors or anything “weird” that a computer can’t scan and read. If you use paragraphs instead of bullet points. If it is more than two pages in length. 3.    Launch an aggressive, targeted direct mail campaign. ( 4.    Develop Internal company sponsors. They can significantly increase your odds of becoming visible and getting hired. ( 5.    Keep in mind that job winners today are increasingly creative in their approach. Make sure you are too! ( 6.    Win the job you want by learning how to “lead the witness” during an interview. ( 7.    Make sure you know, understand and can adequately address the “ONE” question you must get RIGHT in an interview. ( Now, if you makeâ€"and then keep!â€"all seven of these recommended New Year’s resolutions, am I guaranteeing that you will land a new job in 2012? Of course not. No one can make such a guarantee. I think you will have to agree, however, that, if you have been unemployed for any length of time, it’s got to be pretty obvious by now that the approaches you currently are employing to try and find a new job clearly aren’t working. That sort of begs the question, then, of what do you have to lose by adopting approaches that are working more often than not in today’s job market?! How do I know these approaches I am recommending work in today’s job market? Because I am in the job market each and every business day, dealing with both candidates and those who hire them. I therefore know what does work, and equally importantly, what does not work. Make no mistake about it, there will continue to be plenty of stiff competition in the 2012 job market, but there are glimmers of hope on the horizon. Based upon my executive recruiting firm’s conversations with hiring managers in our client companies, the first quarter of 2012 is looking very promising. Companies, though still cautious, are critically short-handed and are finding that the dollars they had been saving by not filling vacant positions are quickly being eroded by the dollars they are losing as the result of reduced business. But that doesn’t mean companies will be quick to hire. They are still only going to make the decision to invest in a new employee if, and only if, that potential employee can clearly and unequivocally brand herself/himself as someone who can either make the company money, save the company money, or ideally, accomplish both of these things! And, finally, if you have a few minutes, grab a cup of coffee (or your favorite beverage) and then click on the link below to learn how you can go about making your dream job a reality in 2012. Author: Skip Freeman is the author of “Headhunter” Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever! and is the President and Chief Executive Officer of The HTW Group (Hire to Win), an Atlanta, GA, Metropolitan Area Executive Search Firm. Specializing in the placement of sales, engineering, manufacturing and RD professionals, he has developed powerful techniques that help companies hire the best and help the best get hired.

Friday, May 15, 2020

What is Resume Writing For A Scholarship?

What is Resume Writing For A Scholarship?What is resume writing for a scholarship? It's to help out an individual who needs some extra money. You may be one of those who are looking for some type of extra money to support yourself or your family and do something worthwhile. You may be a stay at home mom, a stay at home dad, or the single parent, and if you are looking for additional income to get through the month.So many people need extra income, and sometimes that extra income is a need. If you need some extra cash, you may think that you can go out and get some extra cash right now, but the reality is that you are probably going to need to wait a little bit longer to get that extra money. After all, when you start to apply for grants or loans, you need to show how you are going to use it, so you need to have a plan of action.One thing that you can do to help yourself with extra money is to apply for a scholarship. The most common type of scholarship is not the physical one, like a scholarship for the blind, but rather the type of scholarship that are more intellectual. Those types of scholarships tend to be in areas such as music, literature, and education. The reason for this is because these areas tend to have a lot of writing talent, but usually, the other individuals cannot write as well as they should.What is resume writing for a scholarship? To get started on resume writing for a scholarship, you will want to know what is the right way to write for an academic award. Most scholarship writers want you to write about your goals and how you can achieve them. If you want to use a software program to help you, or if you can not get the software to work properly, then you can use the following outline for a scholarship writing.What is resume writing for a scholarship? The first part of your resume writing is going to be the summary. You will want to summarize the reasons that you need the scholarship, and why you deserve the scholarship. This is the first th ing that your reader will see, and it should give them an idea of your skills and what they can expect from you when you are applying for the scholarship.Your summary is going to be going to tell the readers a little bit about yourself. You want to tell them a little bit about your interests, and what type of academic pursuits you have had. This is going to help the readers get an idea of what they are going to read next. The next thing that you are going to want to do is focus on the exact skills that you are going to need to help you in completing the required academic requirements for the scholarship.For example, if you are in the College of Nursing, then you are going to want to include that in your academic requirements. What is resume writing for a scholarship? Next, you will want to include the specific type of curriculum that you will need to have complete and to be eligible for the scholarship. What is resume writing for a scholarship?What is resume writing for a scholarshi p? Knowing what you need, and then including it in your resume will get you the scholarship. Once you have done this, you will be one step closer to getting your scholarship.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Global Greatness Does Your Company Have What It Takes to Sell Worldwide

Global Greatness Does Your Company Have What It Takes to Sell Worldwide Your company might be doing well and turning a profit, but that doesn’t mean you can rest on your laurels. Business is cut- throat, and to survive and thrive you constantly need to be thinking of how you can improve and expand. One way to take that next step would be to start selling globally, that way you can tap into foreign markets and it’s just another way you can get ahead of your competitors. Here’s how you can go about it. A Wonderful Workforce In order to succeed, you absolutely need to have the right people on board. Your employees need to be hardworking, driven and experienced in their role to ensure all work is done to the highest of standards and no silly mistakes are being made. If your business is already running well then chances are you have the right people in your team, but to go global you might need to expand. Extra departments and extra jobs will need to be filled if you want to get your brand message and your products or services out there across the globe. Choose carefully, the recruiting, interviewing and training process should all be done in the right way to select the best candidates. When you’re expanding your business and making big changes, the last thing you want is to be worrying about employees not pulling their weight or making mistakes. Use Efficient Software As well as having the right people working in your company, you also need to ensure you’re providing them with everything they need to do their job efficiently. Customer relationship management, HR, legal, accounting and presentation software can be useful in any business. But if you’re going global, you might want to consider softwares that can be utilised during the shipping process. Air cargo software for example allows carriers to streamline freight management and improve their operational efficiencies. When you have the right programs and software, you will be more efficient and will usually need to hire less staff members too. This is because software can easily tackle jobs in seconds, which might take a human worker a number of hours to do. You’ll never be able to fully automate using just computers (not at this point in time, anyway!) but the right computer programs can make things faster and save you time, hassle and money. Consider Packing and Shipping If you sell products, one of the biggest considerations when going global is physically getting your products to their destination. You will need to ensure that you’re not using any materials or ingredients that are banned in the country you’re sending to. You will need to look into packaging methods to make sure things arrive in one piece. If you outsource your packaging to a third party company, they will have the experience and equipment needed for this. Will you send by air or boat? There are lots of things to think about. Going global is a huge step for your business, and the increased workload will be significant. However it can be a massive improvement to your business so something to think about if things are going well.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The #JobHuntChat Anniversary Show is Coming!

The #JobHuntChat Anniversary Show is Coming! 13 Flares 13 Flares I cant believe that #JobHuntChat has reached the one year mark already.  It has been one hell of a year and I just want to thank all of the #JobHuntChat supporters for their participation.  Jessica and I simply provide you the forum to make it all happen, but your conversations, engagement, and helpful information is what makes #JobHuntChat the most successful Job Search Chat on Twitter. NO #JOBHUNTCHAT ON VALENINTES DAY Yes, its true.  Weve decided to cancel #JobHuntChat on 2/14/11, but well be back on 2/21/11 for the anniversary show.  Enjoy your night off, and well see you on the 21st. #JobHuntChat Anniversary Show Details As I just mentioned, our special anniversary show will be on 2/21/11 at 10-11PM EST.  We are happy to announce that well be giving away an iPod Shuffle, along with another prize or two.  We arent sure yet how well determine winners, but show up at 10PM ET on 2/21 to find out. Well also be announcing other cool surprises and news that night.  We are so excited to share what Jessica and I have been building. See you there!